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The Pinterest Stats Marketers Need to Know in 2024

When it comes to Pinterest, what do you think of? Maybe recipes, DIY projects, or meticulously curated mood boards that sit untouched. As marketers, we’re fixated on the latest Pinterest stats. Pinterest offers a treasure trove of opportunities to connect with a highly engaged audience. Pinners are ready to discover, shop, and create. It’s a great platform for influencer marketing because of the intent and engagement users bring to their time on the platform. We’ll dig into just how engaged users are in the Pinterest stats below.

We’ve curated all the Pinterest stats a marketer like you needs to know. Dive in to learn more about the latest on the platform and how you can use these Pinterest stats to drive your next campaign.

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A Positive Space in the Muddy Internet World

While many social media platforms are plagued by negativity, Pinterest stands out as a positive beacon. According to Pinterest itself, 78 percent of regular Pinners report feeling better after using the platform. So yes, saving photos of motivational quotes and ponies does have its perks.

A Hidden Gem of Discoverability 

Despite our collective guilt about not executing pinned projects, Pinterest still wields significant influence over its users. Nearly 46 percent of Pinterest users discover new brands or products on the platform. And if you’re thinking Pinterest’s predictions are just marketing fluff, think again. 80 percent of Pinterest’s 2023 predictions came true.

A World of Endless Pins and Boards

Pinterest users are prolific savers. Each week, over 1.5 billion pins are saved across more than 4 billion boards. With users allowed up to 2,000 boards and 200,000 pins per account, marketers have an endless array of content to tap into.

Millennials Love It, Especially Women

Pinterest is predominantly popular with the Millennial generation. Nearly 80 percent of Millennial women and 40 percent of Millennial men use Pinterest for inspiration. And over 18 percent of Pinterest users are women between the ages of 18 and 24. All in all, Pinterest’s largest audience remains women, accounting for 58.9 million users in the U.S. alone.

A Growing International Platform

Globally, Pinterest ranks as the 15th largest social media platform, with over 498 million users. The United Kingdom boasts 16.7 million monthly active users. While the United States claims 90.1 million. Growth in the U.S. is projected to continue, with an additional 5.1 million users expected from 2024 to 2027.

The Luxury Shopper’s Paradise

If you’re looking to reach a young, luxurious audience, look no further. A healthy 70 percent of Pinterest’s luxury audience is under 35 years old. These trend-setting, card-swiping millennials have both the disposable income and the inclination to splurge. We’re talking beaucoup monogrammed bags and avocado toast.

The Shopping Mindset

Pinterest users are unique in their shopping habits. They’re 90 percent more likely to be in a shopping mindset. And 30 percent more inclined to express genuine love for shopping compared to users on other platforms. On average, Pinterest shoppers spend 80 percent more and have a 40 percent larger basket size than users on other social platforms.

Pinterest’s Power to Influence Purchases

With so many users shopping on the platform, purchasing power needs its own section in this Pinterest stats roundup. Check this out:

  • 85 percent of users have bought something based on branded pins
  • 97 percent of Pinterest searches don’t include a specific brand name, meaning relevant keywords are crucial
  • 2 out of 3 Pinners use Pinterest for searches, whether for new ideas or reputable products
  • More than 25 percent of time spent on Pinterest is dedicated to shopping

If you’re looking to move the needle on conversions, Pinterest could be the platform to focus on in your next campaign. 

Mobile-First and Popular Worldwide

Pinterest thrives on mobile. Most users, 82 percent, rely on the Pinterest mobile app. Its popularity is immense. And the stats show that even though Pinterest may be the 15th largest social media platform, it’s still ahead of Reddit and Quora.

The Bottom Line on Pinterest Stats

Pinterest isn’t just a place for saving beautiful images and inspirational quotes. It’s a marketer’s playground. With a whopping majority coming to the platform with the intent to make purchases, Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to reach a highly engaged and conversion-inclined audience.

So, if you haven’t pinned it down yet, it’s high time you use Pinterest in your marketing strategy. If you’d like help leveraging Pinterest for your next influencer marketing campaign, let us know. Schedule a strategy call with one of our experts and we’ll guide you in using these Pinterest stats to create a campaign that serves your goals. 

Photo of the author, Abigail Welcom, smiling on the beach in a white shirt and light blue blazer


Abigail Welcom | Marketing Magician

Abby wins hearts and gains trust as our Brand Marketing & Outreach Coordinator. She puts her Film and Television Production degree to good use dreaming up visual marketing for The Shelf. When she’s not dazzling us with out-of-the-box ideas, you can likely find her at The Happiest Place on Earth — Disneyland!



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